
Coinneach’s eBook Store

This eBook store offers all of the current creations by Coinneach Gordon and Heidi Wyeth.

It also gives a short term forecast of works in the pipeline.

Reviews by Book Connoisseurs

” Immediately after glancing through the list of eBooks available in the book store,it became obvious that these books are well written and, due to the genres present, will suit a wide range of discerning readers. Download and enjoy today”
– Indooroopilly Chronicle 

Download these eBooks

Over the last few years, we’ve written a number of eBooks covering a wide range of genres.

Each download is in ePub format. We recommend Adobe Digital Editions as a reader – it’s available as a free download from Adobe.

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Genre: General Fiction

Excerpt :

Sometime in the not too distant future, this tale is set in the calm period after the storm of World War Three; that is, after all of the wailing and gnashing of teeth has died off and the surviving remnants of civilisation are trying to get on with life as best they can.

Civilisation and society, by twenty first century definition, have disappeared to be replaced with deprivation, starvation and anarchy.

As a tribute to forward planning for Continuation of Government, Britain has survived with King George the Seventh as the head of state. Without much to govern except in terms of desolated landscapes, the King’s CoG organisation is trying to maintain and defend whatever scraps of power remain.

Against this backdrop is a story containing all of the classical elements of good against evil, old lovers reunited, bravery, betrayal and redemption.

Genre: General Fiction:

The Kahn’s Ladder sales information goes in here. Maybe needs some notes about the Genre and Topic…

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Genre: Science Fiction

Excerpt :

Right you lot,” said Jazz. “I’ve got some of the story but I need you to fill in the gaps. What happened at the hit, exactly?”

Dave started the tale. “I staked out Jane’s office until Ryan showed up. Jane came out and the pair headed off towards the restaurant quarter. I confirmed the IDs to Calm and she authorised the hit in a secluded street. Jane started shooting as soon as the Guardian soldiers appeared.

Red took up the tale. “Jane was hit and Dave pulled Ryan out of the firing line. I took hold of Ryan and let Dave check out Jane.

She was pretty badly hurt and the Guardians wanted to finish her off. I persuaded them to hold off when I saw that she was trying to speak,” Dave went on.

What did she say?” Jazz asked.

Genre: Science Fiction…

Eidolon Ceann’s sales information goes in here. Maybe needs some notes about the Genre and Topic…

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Genre: General Fiction


This is a story about unplanned and unwanted time travel. Seventeen time travellers found themselves transported forward in time by exactly ten years. Did they find life in the future to be an improvement on what they’d left behind? Share the pain and anguish of these, by then, non-citizens and their struggle for recognition of their plight.

The storm had been gathering over the city all afternoon and it was almost dark in Post Office Square outside the windows of my building.

The gathering gloom had kept making me think that it was later than it really was and that I should be going home, but I’d managed to ignore it and get some work done. Suddenly, though, I noticed that it was five o’clock; at a push, I could get the 5:10 bus and be home before the storm struck in earnest.

I packed my bag hurriedly and headed for the hills. The building I was working in had a set of very slow lifts and, with one of the four out for maintenance, the five o’clock wait felt interminable. When the doors eventually opened it was almost full and I managed to squeeze into the only small space available. On the ground floor, I headed out into the street thankful that the rain hadn’t started yet although the pre-rain wind was blowing quite strongly.

Down the first alleyway and out into the next street saw the start of heavy droplets, but I crossed Creek Street and was lucky to find some shelter near the bus stop on Adelaide Street.

Genre: General Fiction…

Eidolon Ceann’s sales information goes in here. Maybe needs some notes about the Genre and Topic…

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Genre: General Short Stories

Excerpt :

This collection of nine classical fairy tales has been rewritten in a style that, without detracting from the magical quality of the original versions, gives a modern slant which borders on the ‘politically correct’, without adhering to the strict envelope suggested by the application of the terminology. Care has been taken to preserve the cultural mystique of each story and all happy endings have been retained intact.

Once upon a time there were three bears, namely mummy bear, daddy bear and of course little old baby bear too. They all lived happily in a little house in the woods.

Even without the aid of an opposable digit, or thumb as it is otherwise known, these hirsute creatures had managed to adapt to the civilised surroundings aptly afforded by means not defined, although there is a vague suggestion that they may have been provided with the accommodation by benevolent external sources.

This is almost certain since if it were to be implied that the bears had actually constructed the dwelling place by themselves, then there would have been such a large contingent of animal behavioural scientists and like researchers in close proximity that there would not have been the slightest danger that Ms G. Locks could have approached the scene, far less vandalised the bears’ property and partaken of their provisions, without being apprehended forthwith.

Genre: General Fiction…

Eidolon Ceann’s sales information goes in here. Maybe needs some notes about the Genre and Topic…

Download the eBook for only A$2.99

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Genre: General Short Stories

Excerpt :

This ebook is a collection of seventeen short pieces that Coinneach has written over the last few years. They cover a wide range of thought processes, from teleportation to cheese on the moon, and from golf to deja vu. It's hoped that all readers will find that a good proportion of the content will capture their interest.[/one_fourth] [one_half_last boxed=”true”]

Genre: General Fiction…

Eidolon Ceann’s sales information goes in here. Maybe needs some notes about the Genre and Topic…

Download the eBook for only A$2.99

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Beyond Kahn's Ladder

Genre: General Fiction

Eidolon Ceann

Genre: Science Fiction

Time Warp

Genre: General Fiction

Tales Wagging

Genre: General Fiction

These eBooks are in the Pipeline…

Some sequels and some new; more genres too…

Children Don't Have Tunnel Vision

Genre: Historical Fiction

Hide Under the Bed Jimmy

Genre: Historical Fiction

Smoke and Mirrors

Genre: Crime Fiction


Genre: Martial Arts Philosophy

eBooks by Coinneach

Pages, all enhanced by lots of insights and tips for young entrepreneurs

Coinneach's eBook Pipeline

eBooks for enterpreneurs, website owners, and marketers

eBooks by Heidi

eBooks downloads in the last 12 months

Heidi's eBook Pipeline

Years of work, with hundreds of interviews with fellow colleagues included!

Crucial Book’s Takeaways

Meant for young upstart entrepreneurs, it provides
lots of useful business tips…

Get a Plan

Make sure that you have a viable business strategy plan in motion!

Build Up and Out

Besides growing up, it is also incredibly crucial to build out too!

Empower Employees

Why empower your company only, when you can empower them all?

Who are These Books For

Young Entrepreneurs

People who challenge to build our economy up! They need sound advice.

Startup Teams

Startuppers inspired with their ideas need some help to implement their projects.

Established Companies

Technologies are developing faster than ever, and companies should follow them.

Small Companies

Owners of small companies need clear guides to develop their business to achieve success.

Author Mini Bios

An introduction to each of our authors.

While I was quite confident in the niche I chose business plan I’ve had, still the progress was not what I expected it to be. Thank God this book helped me to grasp a better understanding of how to build my company up.

Coinneach Gordon


This is where the Min Bio goes for Coinneach.

This is where Heidi’s story goes…

Heidi Wyeth


Heidi’s Mini Bio goes here.

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